At 11:11 AM 4/3/03 -0600, Tim Duffy K3LR wrote:
>I know there were a few west coast guys working on high Q coil
>replacements for the Cushcraft antenna, but I believe the efficiency
>gain would be hard to measure in the real world environment and may not
>be worth the cost and effort.
I wonder if anyone is doing anything similar for the Force 12
EF-240S/C-4XL/C-4 series antennas -- anything that uses the EF-140S
dipole. It strikes me that substitution of coils (plus cap hats?) for the
current linear loading could be a real plus in "plug-and-play-ness." Best
would be different coils for the reflector and driven element, so that the
element construction wouldn't have to be messed with. I assume that a
Phillystran truss using the existing uprights would be a necessity if this
were done.
73, Pete N4ZR