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[TowerTalk] Foam cables and velocity factor

To: "Robert Chudek" <>, <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] Foam cables and velocity factor
From: "Tom Rauch" <>
Reply-to: Tom Rauch <>
Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2005 14:41:37 -0500
List-post: <>
> >From the L=(246/F)*2 formula I calculated 215 feet would
be needed using coax with a velocity factor of 80 percent. I
whacked off a 222 foot chunk, installed a PL-259 on one end,
and started my "education".

Solid dielectric cables have a very consistent velocity
factor of .66

Foam cables can be anywhere from .66 to .9 or so.

So did you just pick .8, or was it in the cable specs for
that cable??

73 Tom


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