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Re: [TowerTalk] Remotely controlled stations

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Remotely controlled stations
From: Larry Phipps <>
Date: Thu, 05 Oct 2006 20:41:22 -0400
List-post: <>
I have been using remote station control for years, and offer some 
freeware to control remote equipment as well as some custom hardware on 
my website. I wrote an article that appeared in October 2005 QST about 
my system. Remote station control has come of age, and it's a real 
option now.

Larry N8LP wrote:
> Howdy --
>     These days with CC&R's and more condo and  apartment dwelling, the ham 
> dream of having a nice station is getting harder and  harder to realize. Some 
> years ago a couple of clever Microsoft guys tried  putting one together up 
> here 
> in the PNW. There were a myriad of obstacles to  overcome but they got it 
> basically working. 
>     Now in the 21st century there is new technology  that is making it 
> possible to do just that. At least one TowerTalkian that I  know of - Ted, 
> K6XN - 
> has a nice remote station up in the mountains of  California. Here's an 
> interesting one. Go to _www.qrz.com_ (  and look up 
> W1CDO. He 
> lives in an  apartment in Bellevue WA, but his station is 6 over 6 over 6 on 
> 20  
> completely remote controlled in NEW MEXICO! 
>     Ya gotta love it.
> BTW this is not the remote station reflector so  let's not go too crazy over 
> the topic but it shows what you can do remotely with  towers and antennas. 
> Cheers,
> Steve    K7LXC
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