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Re: [TowerTalk] ACCESS BOX

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] ACCESS BOX
From: Jim Lux <>
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2006 07:13:30 -0800
List-post: <>
At 05:55 AM 11/27/2006, TOMMY HALIBURTON wrote:

>To All,
>Is anyone aware of a weather proof box large enough to hold a large 
>remote coax switch and some Polyphasers? I thought about mounting 
>one as a pedestal on a two inch piece of galvanized pipe adjacent to 
>the tower. Is this feasible or has 40+ years of hamming made me 
>slightly off-normal?

Weatherproof (NEMA 4) or Rain Tight (NEMA 3R)?

Hoffman makes steel (and polycarbonate or aluminum or stainless 
steel) enclosures of pretty  much any size you care to name, at least 
to 8 ft tall 3 ft deep and 10 ft wide.  There are other manufacturers as well.

Check McMaster-Carr ( starting on, say, page 777

There's bracketry available to attach these things to just about anything

>As always, thanks in advance for any data you may provide.
>Semper Fi,
>Tommy - K6YE
>TowerTalk mailing list


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