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Re: [TowerTalk] alpha spid rotator

To: towertalk reflector <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] alpha spid rotator
From: Alan NV8A <>
Date: Sat, 10 Feb 2007 16:09:14 -0500
List-post: <>
I ordered my AlfaSpid at Dayton 2005. The additional shipping charge was 
somewhat higher than the original estimate, but I do not recall anything 
about a customs fee.

The whole amount showed as a single charge to my credit card.


Alan NV8A

On 02/09/07 10:56 am Al Williams wrote:

> I would like to hear from hams who have purchased an Alpha Spid from the 
> Canadian manufacturer as to if there was a customs charge and did the 
> manufacturer pay it or did you the customer pay it?
> In October 2005 my Visa statement shows that I paid $1083.99 for the rotator 
> with mouse option.  Shortly thereafter I received a bill from the shipper 
> (DHL Express) for $25.38.  My senior memory recalls that I called the 800 
> number of the shipper and explained that the manufacturer said that I wasn't 
> responsible to pay for it and gave them the manufacturers representative 
> telephone number (I had also called the manufacturer who said that there was 
> some sort of mix-up between them and the shipper)..
> Yesterday I received a bill from a collection agency in Texas for the customs 
> charge plus an additional $6.35 penalty!
> This is a small charge and I could just go ahead and pay it but I would like 
> to know if it is usually paid by Alpha Radio, Ltd?


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