You can use what folks who remove their towers' rotators for maintenance
use to keep the mast stationary. Bolt two long steel angles to the mast with
muffler clamps. Make the angles long enough to extend past two tower legs and
rest the steel angles against those two legs before you tighten the clamp
bolts. Note that the steel angles should be on opposite sides of their
respective legs, i.e., don't rest the angles against the left side of both legs
(that arrangement will allow the mast to turn clockwise.)
Another possibility is to attach a muffler clamp loosely around the mast,
then through a steel angle. Bolt the angle to the rotator shelf and tighten
the clamp onto the mast.
73 de
Gene Smar AD3F
From: Larry DiGioia N8KU <>
Date: 2007/11/20 Tue PM 07:32:09 CST
Subject: [TowerTalk] mast and bearing
I want to put a mast at the top of my Rohn 45 without installing a
rotator (yet.)
I can picture the top OK, the mast, bearing plate and thrust bearing,
but what do I do where the mast comes down to the rotor shelf? Is there
something else I can put down there to hold the mast temporarily? (It
needs to be stationary, not "turnable.") Thanks guys.
Larry N8KU
l o n g w i r e . c o m
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