<<<A 1/4 wave 80m vertical series fed on 40m is nothing else then a halve wave
vertical on 40m which was questioned about.>>>
No, the question had to do with one half wave length DIPOLEs,
vertically and horizontally polarized. They may be symmetric or
asymmetric but a DIpole has two poles right? a conductor fed at the
end (base fed vertically polarized in this case) that is 1/2 wave
length against a ground screen is not a DIpole, but it IS 180 degrees
long (tall) for some frequency.
<<<A vertical dipol can be fed at one end, center feed is no must.>>>
Center feed is not necessary; feed point can be off-center, but it's
NOT a DIPOLE if fed at one end; what you have is a MONOpole which is
not what the question was about.
<<<Radials are useful below ALL kinds of vertical antennas anyway.>>>
Especially on sand. : )
rob / k5uj
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