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Re: [TowerTalk] Fwd: Insulated elements, Yes - No?

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Fwd: Insulated elements, Yes - No?
From: Jim Brown <>
Date: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 11:55:21 -0700
List-post: <">>
On 8/5/2014 11:42 AM, Stan Stockton wrote:

I cannot imagine building another antenna with parasitic elements mounted to an 
aluminum plate with the elements electrically connected to the boom and haven't 
made one that was connected in over a decade.  FWIW,  I don't think you will 
find an element on any antenna at W3LPL or K3LR grounded to the boom.
The boom is NOT at ground potential, except at DC.  A better way of 
describing a connection to the boom is "bonded." Bonding to the boom is 
also beneficial for lightning protection.
  It is certainly easier to model the antennas if they are floating.
The difficulty in modeling is estimating the effective diameter of the 
boom and the mounting plate.
BUT -- if you happen to be loading your tower on 80 or 160, you may 
appreciate the additional top loading of elements bonded to the boom. :)
I'm confident that you know all this stuff, but others may not. :)

73, Jim K9YC


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