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Re: [TowerTalk] Tower Foundation Pad Removal

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Tower Foundation Pad Removal
From: "Roger (K8RI) on TT" <>
Date: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 23:50:50 -0400
List-post: <">>
On 8/17/2014 1:27 PM, Kenneth Goodwin wrote:

Although it was not on a chunk that big and this would not be sufficient for that much weight the concept works. We used two 4000# engine hoists. Applied lots of tension and the, used two hydraulic drills boring down on 4 sides of the base (in clay). Once the holes were drilled, the water was left on low flow. More pressure was exerted with the hoists and the water flow increased. After a half hour to an hour (don't remember the time) a loud sucking sound was heard and the base literally jumped up over a foot, releasing the hoist tension. It took time and patience, but worked well.
73 and good luck

Roger (K8RI)

As part of a tower replacement project, a possible plan is to remove the
existing foundation in one piece using an infinitely sized crane attached to
the tower anchor bolts.  The pad is 6.5 x 6.5 X 4 feet (6 cu yards
estimated).  An effort to break the dirt from around the foundation would be
attempted (water hose and some penetrating device inserted down the side of
the foundation pad).  The remaining hole would be used for the new
foundation installing new rebar as per Rohn SSV foundation drawings (Rohn
SSV tower, 60 feet using 6N, 5N and 4N twenty foot sections).  Any reason
not to consider this as a possible plan for the new tower foundation?

Secondary question: Do you tie the tower and the rebar into a ground
connection at the bottom of the foundation?  Years ago one isolated the
rebar but I think the thoughts today are just the opposite.

Ken K5RG


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Roger (K8RI)

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