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[TowerTalk] planes and towers

To: "" <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] planes and towers
From: Courtney Judd <>
Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 13:30:29 -0500
List-post: <">>
Looking at the W9ZUC incident and the clip below it about the duster/tower made me think back about several incidents with mine. I live directly in a MOA (military operating area) and 20 or so years ago maybe more a F4 blew over my tower while I was working at the top exceeding the speed of sound. He put a sonic boom on me which i would have jumped off if i had not been securely fastened to the tower. Normally it is illegal to create a sonic boom over the continental US but they had a waiver in order to re-certify the F4's before giving them to the national guard. this turned out to be pretty regular for the next several months. Another time I was up at daylight standing on my porch looking at my 140' tower which was hidden in fog from about 50 ft and up when i could hear helicopters coming my way. I could tell that they were heading right at my tower. They were flying right at the bottom edge of the fog. They came into my view a couple of hundred ft from the tower. One broke left; the other went right. I thought was going to witness a big one for a minute! Scary! 73's Cort K4WI

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