What's the difference between dying falling to the ground, and dying hanging
from the tower with a fall arrest harness? You avoid the agony of a slow
death in a fall arrest harness.
-----Original Message-----
I'm glad your not in the profession.
Dave n4zkf
On 9/17/14 11:42 PM, "Doug Renwick" <ve5ra@sasktel.net> wrote:
>I have said this many times before. If you can't 'free climb' then you
>SHOULD NOT be climbing at all. The use of a gorilla hook has it's place -
>for resting or at the work station. But IMO it should not be used to
>the climb! Every time you have to hook and unhook the gorilla hook it
>you only have one hand left on the tower. That to me is unsafe. With
>climbing, both hands are available to grab the tower. If you can't free
>climb - don't climb.
>I wasn't born in Saskatchewan, but I got here as soon as I could.
>-----Original Message-----
>I use two lanyards when climbing (at 76 w/bad knees I climb very little
>these days). I keep one lanyard attached when I get to a guy level I
>the second lanyard above the guys before unhooking the lower one and
>continue up --- very slowly these days.
>Condolences to the friends and family of W9ZUC
>Joe K2UF
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