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Re: [TowerTalk] Sad day - W9ZUC tower accident

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Sad day - W9ZUC tower accident
From: David Gilbert <>
Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 21:27:16 -0700
List-post: <">>

Well, Champion Radio (shameless plug for Steve) sells an excellent hook with a safety latch. I personally use the following hook, though ... it's made from high strength aluminum and is very light (about one pound) with a large throat and a safety latch that is very easy to handle while climbing, yet super strong laterally (where the force usually is directed in a fall). Check out the specs:

You just squeeze the hook to release the latch so there is no extra motion involved, and when you let go the latch locks with a positive click. It's visually very obvious whether the latch has engaged or not.

Dave AB7E

On 9/18/2014 9:22 AM, David Robbins wrote:
when you guys refer to 'Gorilla hook" I see something like a big snap hook that 
I bought under that brand name years ago for rigging and hanging buckets or tools.
They would not be legal for fall arrest or positioning lanyards today because 
they do not have a locking mechanism on the hook.  is there now a newer style
or a different brand that does have a lock???

Sep 18, 2014 11:03:19 AM, wrote:

I have said this many times before. If you can't 'free climb' then you
SHOULD NOT be climbing at all. The use of a gorilla hook has it's place -
for resting or at the work station. But IMO it should not be used to assist
the climb! Every time you have to hook and unhook the gorilla hook it means
you only have one hand left on the tower. That to me is unsafe. With free
climbing, both hands are available to grab the tower. If you can't free
climb - don't climb.

I wasn't born in Saskatchewan, but I got here as soon as I could.

-----Original Message-----

I use two lanyards when climbing (at 76 w/bad knees I climb very little
these days). I keep one lanyard attached when I get to a guy level I attach
the second lanyard above the guys before unhooking the lower one and
continue up --- very slowly these days.

Condolences to the friends and family of W9ZUC

Joe K2UF

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