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Re: [TowerTalk] Rohn 25 Guying

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Rohn 25 Guying
From: Patrick Greenlee <>
Date: Sun, 27 Dec 2015 08:51:03 -0600
List-post: <">>
The material a tree generates to cover a wound such as a limb pruned flush with the trunk is called a callus. Ditto for the material that would grow over a lag bolt.
From online encyclopedia ==> In botany, trunk (or bole) refers to the 
main wooden axis of a tree.

Currently in process of getting 2-8 inches of rain preparatory to Monday's ice storm. Intermittent lightning for over 24 hours continues. Tornado sirens went off in nearest town but saw nothing. Computer depiction of WX from NOAA shows us with no immediate life threatening WX beyond lightning. Figures, I want to tilt a tower over and install a rotator preparatory to installing a new antenna and I want to trench in some more 4 inch PVC but my ride on trencher (looks like back hoe on its own wheels instead of tractor mounted) strikes me as a lightning magnet when the bucket is raised overhead.
Please excuse the "font dance" I don't know why T-Bird (my email client) 
is acting up.
Patrick        NJ5G

On 12/26/2015 8:32 PM, Roger (K8RI) on TT wrote:


Roger  (K8RI)

On 12/26/2015 Saturday 7:19 PM, Jim Brown wrote:
On Sat,12/26/2015 3:21 PM, Roger (K8RI) on TT wrote:
it may see a lag bolt, or through hole as damage and form (I believe it's called bole) to cover the damage.
When researching attachments to trees, I found an old piece in QST 
saying that a lag into a tree is about the least invasive method of 
73, Jim K9YC

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