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Re: [TowerTalk] Radial question

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Radial question
From: Jim Brown <>
Date: Mon, 29 Feb 2016 13:56:13 -0800
List-post: <">>
There is much to be learned by a study of N6LF's excellent work on radials. It's a combination of modeling and careful measurement of real antennas.

I've done talks at Pacificon and for various ham clubs about getting on 160M, and about 90% of it is about radial systems and antennas. It summarizes material in the ARRL Antenna Book, work by N6LF and K3LC, W8JI, and K2AV.

73, Jim K9YC

On Mon,2/29/2016 12:26 PM, Doug Turnbull wrote:
Larry,OMs and YLs,
     Your point is correct some of the antenna books are very vague on this
point but I have seen it reinforced on the Top Band Reflector.    Generally
Qty 120 one hundred ten foot radials would be more than adequate for full
performance and of course 110 feet is less that a even 0.25 wavelength on
160 meters let alone 0.4 wavelength.


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