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[TowerTalk] 6 mtr quad

To: <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] 6 mtr quad
From: "Jim Thomson" <>
Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2016 09:22:54 -0700
List-post: <">>
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2016 18:52:14 -0500
From: Courtney Judd <>
To: "" <>
Cc: ACG <>, SECC <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] 6 mtr quad

I have been thinking about building a monster quad for 6 mtrs. I have 
googled quads and all about but came up with very little data to work 
with. I did find a 7 el regular spaced quad on 19 ft boom but I was 
thinking of more elements and wide spaced... I have several 44 ft 2 in 
booms or even a 60 ft 3 in boom. I wanted to stick this on my rohn 45 at 
100 ft. Anyone have any ideas or can point me to a web site or reflector 
where i could find something like this? Thanks, Cort K4WI

##  The problem with quads is the spreaders do nothing...except to
support the (failure prone ) wire loops.  The windload on the 4 x spreaders is 
a heck 
of a lot more than a simple yagi element. 

##  IE:  you require  4 x 13 ft spreaders to build a 20m ele.   Thats 
a total of  52 ft of spreaders..just to make one 20m ele = nuts.  And 
double all of that for a 40m full size quad ele.

##  My short 40M  f12  eles are only 44 ft long....and  my longer F12  40m eles
as used on the f12  N series of 40m eles, range from 52-59 ft long. 

##  6m eles are only aprx  10 ft long.  Tha’s  dead simple to make from .375 +
.500  tubing.   6 ft center section of .500 tubing...with .375 tips.   Use  a 6 
ft length
of .500 tubing for the center section...and  3 ft sections of .375 tubing for 
each tip.

##  Thats  cheap at dx engineering.   Quads are a pita.  4 x spreaders per ele, 
some form of spider to mech connect all the spreaders..then  onto the boom. 

##  a buddy has the m2  6m yagi...on the 52 ft boom.  It’s a flame thrower..and 
light weight. 

##  quads + quagis  went the way of the do-do bird. dont even go there. 

Jim   VE7RF


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