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Re: [TowerTalk] Rotor Cable

To: "'Tower Talk'" <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Rotor Cable
From: "StellarCAT" <>
Date: Sun, 25 Sep 2016 09:25:03 -0400
List-post: <">>
one suggestion: use 12 ga Romex or similar to the base - and then a cable with #14 stranded instead of 12 up the tower. That might be easier to find. The sense wires don’t' have to be anything larger than say 22 ga as there's no current going through them to speak of.
another is - use RFC2375 which is 4 conductor #16 shielded and pair these up 
for the 2 power leads - then run along side this a more standard cable.

-----Original Message----- From: Dan Cisson
Sent: Sunday, September 25, 2016 8:53 AM
To: 'Julio Peralta' ; 'Tower Talk'
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Rotor Cable

It makes a big difference in getting the proper cable. I tried "just another
cable", and it did not work
Very well.  Maybe you ask The Wireman where he gets the cable, or ask Kurt
K7NV where he gets it.
Kurt knows best for sure.  GL Dan N4GNR

-----Original Message-----
From: TowerTalk [] On Behalf Of Julio
Sent: Sunday, September 25, 2016 8:04 AM
To: Tower Talk
Subject: [TowerTalk] Rotor Cable

I'm getting ready to put up a Prop Pitch Rotor one of K7NV's creations and
I'm having trouble locating the cable needed to complete the job.

K7NV recommended the Wireman 305 cable which is 8 conductor 2X 12Ga. and 6X
16Ga. The Wireman is out of stock and doesn't expect to get a new shipment
until sometime after the middle of October.

Does anyone know where a similar cable is available? I've looked around the
internet and wasn't able to find anything close to the 305.

I need 260 feet.

I know there are other options like running Romex for the power and
something else for the sense wiring, but since I have a crank up tower I
would like to have all the wire stranded and in one jacket.

Julio, W4HY


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