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[TowerTalk] Help with a Yaesu Rotator

Subject: [TowerTalk] Help with a Yaesu Rotator
From: Dick Allardyce via TowerTalk <>
Date: Tue, 5 Feb 2019 22:57:57 +0000 (UTC)
List-post: <>
I need a little help troubleshooting a Yaesu G800DXArotator.  The rotator is 
about 5 years old and has been working fineso far.  It has been used for 
turning astack of 6/2/432 yagis – pretty light load. The problem started when I 
turned full CCW and it wouldn’t return.  My initial suspicion was a limit 
switch so Iordered a couple and waited for decent weather to remove the rotator 
from thetower.  I did that this past weekend.Bench testing seems to exonerate 
the limit switches and theassociated diodes.  The control unit issending +/- 29 
VDC to the rotator eliminating the CU and the cable andconnectors.   With the 
cable connected tothe rotator I measure 29 VDC when the CCW switch is pushed, 
but only 18 VDCwhen the CW switch is pushed.  The motorbuzzes a little, but 
will not turn with the 18 volts.  The suspicious unit is the “filter unit” 
between the limitswitches and the motor.  The filter “looks”OK, but I have no 
idea how to test it. BTW, no sign of water in the bottom of the housing.Has 
anyone had experience with this type problem with 
aG-800DXA/G-1000DXA/G-2800DXA? Regards,Dick  N4RA

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