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Re: [TowerTalk] Second Tower Placement Recommendation

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Second Tower Placement Recommendation
Date: Thu, 05 Sep 2019 10:15:20 -0500
List-post: <>
200 feet from the shack is not an issue or practical limit if you're willing to spend money on control lines and Heliax. My towers are further away than that and they work great. If you can position the towers so you're not beaming right into one of them it could be beneficial.

John KK9A

Keith Dutson NM5G wrote

About 20 years ago, after erecting a 150 foot tower (Rohn 45G equivalent), I
was inspired to continue toward a multi-multi station.  I began to look for
and purchase other towers and antennas.  So far, I have 320 feet of Rohn 55G
and 56 feet of Rohn HDBX.  These sections have been stacked under an oak
tree for many years.  I also acquired about 10,000 feet of used Phillystran,
and about 2000 feet of new old stock Andrew LDF50A coax, the longest piece
being 500 feet.  Plans to erect got halted by heart arterial bypass surgery.

Well, 13 years after surgery I am still here, and in excellent shape.  So, I
am thinking of putting up at least one more tower, and making do with a
multi-two station.  The new tower may be a 200 footer, but I am also
thinking of a 120 footer, which would be easier to maintain, and may be
ideal to place my M2 40 meter 4el antenna (40M4LLDD).  I have 16 acres, so
placement can be flexible.  The existing tower is less than 30 feet from the
shack.  I am thinking the second tower should be no more than 200 feet to
cut down on signal loss.  I am wondering if this is a practical limit, and
how far from the existing tower it should be located.  Suggestions and
recommendations are welcome.  Thanks.

73, Keith NM5G


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