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Re: [TowerTalk] 10/15 yagi design

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] 10/15 yagi design
From: Grant Saviers <>
Date: Thu, 9 Jul 2020 22:37:58 -0700
List-post: <>
My interlaced 30/17 beam design effort demonstrated to me the difficulties and the experience (and art) needed to get the general interlaced architecture in a good starting place. In fact, I'm amazed that designers have succeeded with 5 band designs on one boom with one feedpoint.

Then AutoEZ is a terrific tool to find the desired sweet spot of gain, F/B, & swr bandwidth buts needs that good starting point to optimize. It sometimes goes "into the weeds" in its searching. And for 10 elements a lot of MIPS and NEC4.2 and probably many tries. I also found there was no free lunch as even successful interlacing cost some performance loss usually in gain and F/B vs same envelope single band versions. So would suggest starting with good monoband OWA designs to interlace.

Grant KZ1W

On 7/9/2020 18:57, John Simmons wrote:
JK antennas have designs that you might look at for ideas.

-de John NI0K wrote on 7/9/2020 8:23 PM:
In the past I found it difficult to design interlaced Yagis so I have
avoided building them. Now that AutoEZ is available it should be easier.

John  KK9A

Dave Sublette k4to wrote:
I am looking for a design for a 10 and 15 meter yagi on a single boom.  I
have a couple of ideas to model, but I thought I would ask here to see what
your favorites are.  I don't want to buy a commercial product.  I have
plenty of boom and element tubing and have home brewed all of my antennas
through 432 MHz for 30 years.

I use a program called Antenna Model which works quite well.   In the past three years I have modeled and put up a pair of 40M Moxons, a four element
20M OWA (G0KSC design modified for my tubing sizes), and a full sized 40M
dipole. They all work great and match the model closely.

I'm just looking for ideas.

Thanks and  73,

Dave, K4TO


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