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[TowerTalk] Tower in the woods?

Subject: [TowerTalk] Tower in the woods?
From: Randy Farmer <>
Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2020 17:49:49 -0400
List-post: <>
Now that I've relocated to semi-rural western North Carolina, I'm doing some planning for the new antenna system. I already have a US Towers TX-455 that will be going up soon, but I'd really like to put up another crankup / tilt-over tower with a somewhat bigger antenna. The good news is that we have a fair amount of land to work with. The bad news is that the available land for a second tower installation is almost completely heavily wooded. The XYL is willing to tolerate the TX-455 behind the detached garage, but not at all receptive to a tower in the cleared yard area.

Even though I would really like to have the second tower I'm apprehensive about how big a project it would be to put up a serious tower in the woods. I'm especially worried about getting a proper base in, both because of remaining stumps and tree roots after land clearing and because of the logistical difficulty of hauling 10+ yards of concrete out into the woods. Trenching to install a proper ground system and to run feedlines and control lines would also seem to be another possible problem. Has anyone undertaken such a project? If so, would you be willing to share your experiences and advice? Off list would be fine.

Thanks & 73...
Randy, W8FN

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