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[TowerTalk] Tree's and Screws

Subject: [TowerTalk] Tree's and Screws
Date: Thu, 20 Aug 2020 12:05:28 -0500
List-post: <>
Grant and Larry have very similar callsigns.

Usually I have no problem finding a branch for tying off inverted V's to, or sometimes I wrap around the trunk of smaller trees. Eventually the tree would grow around the rope however my wire antennas are all temporary.
John KK9A

Grant Saviers KZ1W wrote:

I've put a lot of Zn plated and mostly hot dip galvanized lag bolts into
trees of all varieties over the years and seen no problems except the
need to back them out a bit as the tree grew around them. A good sign I
think.  When installed, I leave at least 3/8 to 1/2" slack for growth.

The arborist or mill that might prune or harvest the tree someday would
appreciate their removal when no longer needed.  Instant trashing of a
saw chain.

Absolutely no copper or Cu alloys (bronze, brass) or plating should be
used.  Stainless I think is ok, but rarely has been my fastener.

Grant KZ1W

PS: hope you don't contest with your call  ;)

On 8/20/2020 05:09, Larry Stowell wrote:
I think it was on this reflector that somebody mentioned what material

a screw good be with out harming the tree? I want to tie off a dipole.


73 Larry K1ZW

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