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Re: [TowerTalk] Ham-IV rotator brake noise

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Ham-IV rotator brake noise
From: John Simmons <>
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2021 18:44:35 -0600
List-post: <>
I had my next-door neighbor threaten me with a lawsuit. "There are five lawyers in my family and forensic accounting proves that a tower lowers property values." He also made terroristic threats against my family. I'm still here and he is gone.

-de John NI0K

Gene Smar via TowerTalk wrote on 1/20/2021 3:16 PM:
The house next door to me and my 64 foot tower sold in October for $15,000
above asking.  I'm just sayin'.

73 de
Gene Smar  AD3F

-----Original Message-----
From: TowerTalk [] On Behalf Of K9MA
Sent: Tuesday, January 19, 2021 7:53 PM
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Ham-IV rotator brake noise

On 1/19/2021 6:29 PM, Lux, Jim wrote:
This too - for most people (except real estate agents<grin>) the
antenna fades into the background and they don't know if it even moves
from day to day.
When I put my tower up in 1989, my next door neighbor raised a ruckus,
because she thought it would hurt her property's value. After the house was
sold some years later, I asked my new neighbor if the tower affected her
offer. She said she hadn't even noticed it. People looking at houses aren't
usually looking up.


Scott K9MA


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