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[TowerTalk] Fwd: Re: Loosing guy wires when hoisting antenna

Subject: [TowerTalk] Fwd: Re: Loosing guy wires when hoisting antenna
Date: Sat, 20 Feb 2021 10:46:50 -0600
List-post: <>

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Loosing guy wires when hoisting antenna
Date: 2021-02-20 10:46

I would advise against loosening the other guy wires.

What I would suggest you consider is what I have done at my qth:

1) Prepare a temporary guy of the same approximate length as the permanent guy.
2) Measure the tension of the existing guy wires to ensure that they are 
3) Before removing the guy wire at 62', hoist up the antenna to just 
below the guy wire that you want to loosen and tightly secure the 
antenna horizontally from both the boom and mast to the tower.
4) Pull up the temporary guy wire, attach it to the tower about two 
tower rungs below the existing guy wire at 62' and then tighten it to 
approximately the same tension as the existing guy wire and measure the 
tension with a Loos gauge or similar instrument to confirm.
5) Loosen the permanent guy wire - then carefully detach it and 
temporarily attach it about one rung below the temporary guy wire.
6) Hoist the antenna and permanently mount it properly.

7) Pull up and reattach the permanent guy in its usual place and properly tension it - measure the tension with the Loos gauge.
8) Loosen and detach the temporary guy wire and lower it down and remove 
it from the tower.
You're done!  Slowly, and safely.

I have used this method successfully several times at my qth. Others may have different preferred methods of doing the same thing. Whatever you decide to do, please remember to NEVER compromise safety for speed.
73 and GL!

Bob KQ2M

On 2021-02-20 08:28, wrote:
I do not loosen the opposing guys on my Rohn 55 and Rohn 65 when dropping one for antenna installation however I am not a tower engineer and cannot
recommend that anyone else do this.

John KK9A

Ignacy Misztal no9e wrote:

I am hoisting JK Mid Tri (100 lb) to 65' on a 100' 45G. There are 3 sets of
guy wires at 32', 62' and 95'. I am not clearing one guy at 62'. If I
remove that guy wire, should I loosen the other guy wires at 62', to avoid
potential bending?

Ignacy NO9E


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