Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2024 11:37:59 -0400
From: "Paul Christensen" <>
To: "'[TowerTalk]'" <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] All Day Everyday Unattended FT8
Getting way off topic, but I'll add this: It's not difficult to establish
a remotely controlled FT8 station with a smartphone as a control point.
According to the FCC, a critical part of a establishing a control point is
that RF transmissions can be stopped by invoking a control command.
What may appear as an unattended, automated operation may in fact be
someone controlling FT8 activity with his or her smartphone app, even while
driving down the interstate. I live among people who never (and I mean
never) distance themselves from their smartphones; they're always instantly
accessible. Whether these FT8 ops are in uninterrupted, constant view of
their FT8 app screens is a different matter, but that's not directly
addressed in the rules -- at least not those of us in the U.S.
Paul, W9AC
## The neighbour with the 24/7/365 automated FT-8 station...... how can he
possibly be in control...if he's asleep ??
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