Both of my six meter SSB radios are 706 MkiiG's (one is an early unit, one is
a new unit with the newer style finals.)
I'm contemplating ways I can run 300 watts or more on six meters (500 watts or
more is my preference, less than 300 is probably not worth the effort in my
view vs the stock 100 watts.)
The main use will be roving / portable use.
I'm aware of the reputation these radio have for power spikes on transmit that
cause issues with amps. Has any one successfully driven a six meter amp from
an icom 706 ? If so could you share the details with me.
My preference is for solid state amps and I'm fine providing higher supply
voltages if needed (ie 24 or 48 volts) but commercially made tube amps are not
entirely out of the question either.
Working with surplus solid state TV amps is also within my skill and comfort
level but my preference is for a commercially manufactured unit. Building or
modifying a tube amp is outside of my comfort zone.
I'm also contemplating upgrading to a better radio for 6m and am not sure I
want to sink money into an amp tailored to working with a one hundred watt
exciter if I later switch to a transverter or maybe simply find the cash for
something along the lines of a K3 with the 500 watt amp. (I'm not sure though
I'd want to take the latter combination with me on some of my roving / portable
operations. I am mentally prepared to write off one of the 706's if need be,
conversely I don't always take my ft 736 with me for 222 and 1296 as I feel I
am rolling with the dice with damage from shock and vibration each time I drive
over bumpy forest roads, I'd be even less happy taking a K3 with me on such a
trip, nor am I sure a tube amp would do well.)
Any comments are welcome.
Sent from my iPhone
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