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[VHFcontesting] 222 MHz Activity Night Summary K1WHS

To: "222 >> 222Activity@groups.io" <222Activity@groups.io>, "vhfcontesting@contesting.com" <vhfcontesting@contesting.com>, "NEWSVHF@mailman.qth.net" <NEWSVHF@mailman.qth.net>
Subject: [VHFcontesting] 222 MHz Activity Night Summary K1WHS
From: David Olean <k1whs@metrocast.net>
Date: Wed, 8 May 2024 07:19:09 -0400
List-post: <mailto:vhfcontesting@contesting.com>
Hello 222 MHz aficionados,

Another night with loads of fun and games on 222 MHz. It looks like a number of individuals were driven off the air by bad weather in the form of T-storms. N1GC reported hail in his area and went QRT fast! A front was moving Eastward through Ohio and points South at the beginning of the activity period.  There was no trouble to the East, but a few midwesterners were absent as a result. Hopefully next week will be better, and no one suffered from any ill effects of the bad weather!    I was making noise on 222  at about 22:45 UT and my first impression was that it was going to be a slow night, but a steady stream of stations started to appear as the night wore on, and I ended up working about 25 stations.  25 is a great number from anyplace on 222.

I did note that conditions locally were not all that good. The W3CCX beacon was weaker than normal, and I observed that signal levels were down on most of the stations that went into the log as well. One bright spot was NG3W who was operating portable on some hilltop near his home in FN01. There were problems at the remote site, but eventually, I think he ironed them out and was able to make some contacts. I tried working him after 00:00 UT and heard him, but it looked like he was not copying me. My calls went unanswered. Signals heard here were quite weak. WZ1V tried and I could hear GB Ron working him right afterward. They appeared to be having trouble as well.  Howard, WA3EOQ showed up later in the evening and we tried our usual sked and I heard him before I even called him. His signal was much better than last week. These long haul contacts on 222 always amaze me in that local conditions do not seem to apply to really long haul tropo scatter.   Howard is 805 km away from Maine. WA3DRC at 663 km was also quite good copy on SSB no less.

After my near miss with NG3W, I tried again later, and I noted that there was a bit of aiming error on my part in that I had copied his six digit grid incorrectly. (Please don't tell the 222 MHz Activity Committee!!!)  I was only a few degrees off, but the correct heading did the trick and I was greeted by good signals from Chris and we had a great CW contact at just over 600 km. I am not sure about his location, but he is running 25 watts with a HB quagi antenna. I now that he also worked W9KXI and WA3EOQ. Both remarked that they did not recall ever working FN01 before on 222 MHz. Chris should be in high demand and congrats on getting a station up and running!   I tried running with Dave K3SK on Q65. He had already worked WZ1V with good signals on FT8. He is so darn far away  at over 900 km that I cannot hear anything on FT8, so we tried on Q65 and he was decoding me, but all I was getting were lots of meteor pings. After about ten or so minutes we stopped and vowed to try later on meteors. (Because we were both hearing lots of pings on our Q65 sked.)  We tried again after 01:00 UT and I copied K3SK OK with just one meteor return, but Dave never heard a peep from me. Funny how that always seems to work.  We should have continued earlier when the meteors were more plentiful. There is never a dull moment on 222 MHz, especially when you try crazy things. I was switching between my fixed antenna at 225 degrees, with its wide beamwidth, and my sharp rotatable yagis. I even tried adding some elevation! Nothing helped getting a signal down to FM17.  We quit and I went home at about 01:30 UT.  All in all it was a great night. I hope the terrible weather in the midwest and South stayed away from our hamster buddies in those affected areas areas. We are in for a few days of yukky weather as the storms head East!


Dave K1WHS

05/07/2024 22:55 WA1NLG          FN41XS  57       57       220 MHzSSB  TR               196 05/07/2024 22:56 WZ1V            FN31RH  fn43     fn31     220 MHzSSB  TR               266 05/07/2024 23:01 WB2VVV          FN41CR  fn43              220 MHzSSB  TR               197 05/07/2024 23:05 K1MAP           FN32SB  fn43              220 MHzSSB  TR               192 05/07/2024 23:12 WA3NUF          FN2ØKE  fn43              220 MHzCW   TR               496 05/07/2024 23:13 K1PXE           FN31KE  fn43              220 MHzSSB  TR               303 05/07/2024 23:14 K1FSY           FN31LN  fn43              220 MHzSSB  TR               266 05/07/2024 23:16 N2SLO           FN3ØJU  fn43              220 MHzSSB  TR               338 05/07/2024 23:21 W9KXI           FN12NE  55       55       220 MHzSSB  TR               501 05/07/2024 23:24 AF1T            FN43BD  59       59       220 MHzSSB  TR                79 05/07/2024 23:24 K2AEP           FN32OW  59                220 MHzSSB  TR               157 05/07/2024 23:35 W1AUV           FN32II  59                220 MHzSSB  TR               223 05/07/2024 23:37 AA2SD           FN2ØXX  59                220 MHzSSB  TR               370 05/07/2024 23:43 WA1PBU          FN42EK  59                220 MHzSSB  TR               120 05/07/2024 23:54 N2JMH           FN12BW  579      579      220 MHzSSB  TR               563 05/07/2024 23:56 WA3GFZ          FM29GV  55       55       220 MHzSSB  TR               539 05/07/2024 23:57 W1AIM           FN34UJ  57                220 MHzSSB  TR               154 05/07/2024 23:59 WB2RVX          FM29MT  57                220 MHzSSB  TR               519 05/08/2024 00:04 WA3DRC          FM28AS  57       57       220 MHzFSK  TR               663 05/08/2024 00:15 VE3KG           FN24AV  559      579      220 MHzCW   TR               432 05/08/2024 00:36 N1ROZ           FN32TF  559               220 MHzCW   TR               174 05/08/2024 00:40 KC3BVL          FM29JW  559               220 MHzCW   TR               522 05/08/2024 00:47 WA3EOQ          FMØ9JO  559               220 MHzCW   TR               805 05/08/2024 00:49 WA1RKS          FN32IN  559      579      220 MHzCW   TR               211 05/08/2024 00:58 NG3W            FNØ1VX  559               220 MHzCW   TR               613
Number of QSO listed: 25

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