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[VHFcontesting] VHF Contest and the 222 MHz Sprint.

To: "222 >> 222Activity@groups.io" <222Activity@groups.io>, "vhfcontesting@contesting.com" <vhfcontesting@contesting.com>
Subject: [VHFcontesting] VHF Contest and the 222 MHz Sprint.
From: David Olean <k1whs@metrocast.net>
Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 20:01:10 -0400
List-post: <mailto:vhfcontesting@contesting.com>
The lunar conditions are coming together late this weekend and early next week.  I was hoping to take advantage of the great condx on 222 mhz but my tower mounted antenna preamp system is hosed. I was up on the tower several times trying to find the problem. I made a little progress, but still am unsure of what is wrong. This evening I took up a DEMI preamp and swapped it out with the cavity preamp. Testing is almost impossible with just one person. The DEMI preamp did not work either. I am suspecting that the coax relay is not switching, but it originally tested OK in the shop and it is getting 28 VDC.  I ran out of daylight today, but I will remove the whole box in the morning and give it a thorough work over in the morning. It was working great when my newly repaired cavity preamp was in line. Then the preamp got squirrely and now nothing works.  I really need a good helper to speed up the trouble shooting, but it is what it is.

I am planning to be very active on 222 mHz EME during the Sept Contest on Sunday.  I can also do 432 EME.   My real great idea is to try some 222 MHz EME activity during the 222 Sprint. As luck has it, the Moon rises for me at exactly 23;00 uT at the start of the sprint. It will be up quite well at 03;00 UT when the sprint ends. I figure the last hour might be good for eme. Degradation will be minimal.  Moonrise at KM0T in Iowa is at about 00:30, so many people can try a rising Moon sked during the Sprint.  Lets try to get some activity going then and generate some interest.. If anyone has a few hundred watts and a single yagi, it is worth a try.  Let me know if you are interested.  Contact me direct off this list.


Dave K1WHS


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