I noticed that a number of spots in the WriteLog
Packet Spot Window today do not have a time value;
it is blank.
But they all have valid time values in the Packet Terminal Window!
Looking at the Packet Spot Window, when "Sort By Azmiuth"
is NOT checked, I can tell by the time values of the before
and after adjacent spots what was the approximate time of the post,
but when I sort by azmiuth, I can't tell when the station
was spotted.
But, then when I uncheck the Azmiuth Sort, the spots are all
put back in the original time order (even though they still
display no time value in the Packet Spot Window).
For example, these calls and freqs were spotted by the station
indicated and the packet terminal window shows these times,
but for all of these spots, there was no time value in the
Spot Window:
Station (Aug 28)
Spotted Freq Spotted By Time in Terminal Window
N8HR 3868 WM3O 0204Z
CM2ZT 7049.7 NW4CC 0154Z
LA6FJA 7048.9 NW4CC 0153Z
EU1MM 7048.3 NW4CC 0150Z
KK5QQ 7035.2 W2QO 0140Z
W3WKR 7036.4 W2QO 0137Z
Using WriteLog Version 10.45C.
Is this a Write Log problem in processing those spots,
or is this an error in the software used by
the spotted-by station?
Barry, W5GN
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