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[Yaesu] Mark V and CAT

To: <yaesu@contesting.com>
Subject: [Yaesu] Mark V and CAT
From: spk@hol.gr (spk)
Date: Fri, 3 Jan 2003 01:40:07 +0200
I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH CAT OF MY NEW FT-1000 MK5. I bought it NEW from =
local dealer. When I connect the rig to my PC to control it via a =
program (MMTTY.commcat TRXMANAGER etc) the ring not response (I have =
PC's). When I connect my lampic key paddle to radio and hold down dit or =
dah (in amy mode SSB,USB,CW etc) the rig work and a connection with my =
pc happens.Any help me to solve this problem???
Spiros - SV1DPP

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