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Re: [Amps] again

To: Roy Koeppe <>,Amps Reflector <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] again
From: Peter Chadwick <>
Date: Mon, 3 Jul 2006 10:31:13 +0200 (CEST)
List-post: <>
Roy said:
>you are indeed adjusting for an impedance match of the tube and
the load and for maximum efficiency all at the same time <

This gets perilously close to igniting that argument about whether or not you 
provide a conjugate match to the tube. Since most linear amps are around 50% 
efficient, the answer would appear to be 'yes', although not intentionally. 
Something I've never figured out or had explained to me is how you can have 
much higher efficiencies than 50% if you do achieve a conjugate match.......So 
I've always gone along the route of providing an optimum load impedance.

Peter G3RZP
Amps mailing list

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