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[Amps] Apology to Will and the list

To: "Amps Amps" <>
Subject: [Amps] Apology to Will and the list
From: "Tom W8JI" <>
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2006 21:24:47 -0400
List-post: <>
Will and the list,

I certainly am sorry if my questions were taken to be 
personal Will. It was a little tough for me to tell where 
you were coming from.

People have different perspectives depending on their work 
experience and the equipment they have worked on or 
designed. For example, people who work with klystrons have a 
whole different idea about fault protection than people who 
work on self-excited induction heating amplifiers. People 
who work with UHF 1 watt amps have a different perspective 
than people who work with NDB transmitters.

Coupled with that, I didn't see a callsign so I had 
absolutely nothing to go on knowing what your perspective 
was, and I was having a difficult time following what you 
were saying. That's unusual, so I was trying to get an idea 
of what your technical viewpoint was and if it was ham radio 
or some other field.

I certainly didn't intend to hurt anyone's feeling or pry. I 
certainly don't want to be considered one of the few people 
on Internet who always make any technical argument or 
disagreement personal. I actually work towards not doing 

In the future, I'll make a better effort to be clear and to 
avoid anything on the reflector that could even be 
considered personal.

Tom W8JI 

Amps mailing list

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