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Re: [Amps] Tokyo Hy-Power HL-2.5K

To: Doug Renwick <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] Tokyo Hy-Power HL-2.5K
From: "Roger (K8RI)" <>
Date: Mon, 26 May 2008 01:23:03 -0400
List-post: <">>
Doug Renwick wrote:
> The Dayton display model was doing 1.9+KW.  A nice amp and antenna tuner
> combination.  Unfortunately no 6m.

Which was the only reason I opted for the 1.5K-fx instead of waiting a 
couple of months for the 2.5.  Unfortunately the 7L Yagi at 115 feet has 
been ailing (boom truss broke and dropped down onto the driven element 
of the tribander.) and I've not made it up there to fix it yet.  At 
least I am able to climb now.  However with the *stuff* coming in from 
the West tonight and tomorrow, plus a dentist appointment Tuesday It's 
still going to be a while before it gets fixed.

These and I assume most SS amps are very fussy about SWR at the rig and 
almost necessitate a tuner (preferably auto tune) if you are going to 
move very far off the antenna's resonant frequency.  Actually you don't 
have to move very far at all on 75 or even 40 to see excessive reflected 
power.  However if you are close to resonance and move off a bit, you  
can easily re-tune while watching the reflected power.  At 1:1.0 it 
gives an honest KW PEP or carrier on CW. 6-meters is about 800 watts on 
mine.  So I'm down a little less than 3db from the legal limit on six 
while  on HF it'd barely be noticeable.  Besides I still have the old 
Alpha 76 if I really feel the need for the full legal limit.


Roger (K8RI)
> Doug
> -----Original Message-----
>] On Behalf Of Roger (K8RI)
> Yup, but for between 5 and 6 thousand I think I'd rather have one of the
> new solid state legal limit amps with an auto tuner.  I have the little 
> HL1.5K-fx and like it better than any amp I've had so far.  Were I in 
> the market for another amp I'd probably go for the 2.5K-fx and the 1.5 
> auto tuner.
> Roger (K8RI)
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