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Re: [Amps] SHV connectors great, but where to find coax?

Subject: Re: [Amps] SHV connectors great, but where to find coax?
From: Vic K2VCO <>
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2010 09:59:46 -0700
List-post: <">>
I fully support the right of each individual to do what he wants unless it 
interferes with others' rights to do similarly.

But I know my limitations and I know that no matter how well I understand my 
setup and no 
matter how careful I usually am, there will be times (when something goes wrong 
in the 
middle of a contest, or even when I'm thinking hard about something else) when 
I will act 
plain stupid. Who among us can say that they never do anything stupid?

So all of my PL259's are for RF.

On 9/13/2010 9:46 AM, DAVE WHITE wrote:
> "The Engineering Council in the UK would I expect strip someone of their CEng 
> status if
> an individual proposed such silly things." But let's face it, the UK is 
> becoming just
> about the most laughable example of the socialist Nanny State taken to the 
> most extreme
> interpretation of the concept.  I doubt if Henry V and Winston Churchill are 
> turning in
> their graves when they see modern Britain, I'm sure that they're spinning 
> like steam
> turbines. This is the country where the Elf'n'Safety nazis (including rooms 
> full of
> overpaid, interfering, sanctimonious buffoons like the Engineering Council) 
> invade
> every aspect of our lives.  I say Bollocks to the lot of them.  If I want to 
> build an
> HT lead with a PL259 on the end of it, then that's what I'll damn well do and 
> I
> personally will take the risk.  If I plug one end into the 6kV supply and the 
> other
> into my right nostril then that's my own fault and my own responsibility, 
> right? Dave
> G0OIL (not SK, amazingly)
> --- On Mon, 13/9/10, Dr. David Kirkby<>  wrote:
> From: Dr. David Kirkby<> Subject: Re: [Amps] SHV 
> connectors
> great, but where to find coax? To: "'AMPS'"<> Date: 
> Monday, 13
> September, 2010, 13:45
> On 09/13/10 07:18 AM, Roger wrote:
>> What we do have to remember though is we may not always be around.  Some one 
>> other
>> than us may end up moving things.
>> 73
>> Roger (K8RI)
> Exactly.
> I assume none of the people proposing using PL-259 plugs for HV are chartered
> engineers. The Engineering Council in the UK would I expect strip someone of 
> their CEng
> status if an individual proposed such silly things. Even if you do this at 
> home, you
> are putting the lives of others at risk.
> * Children might accidentally get into the shack and unplug a cable.
> * You might have an accident, an ambulance called, and they need to remove a 
> cable. I
> expect they would switch things off before touching electrical equipment, but 
> would not
> reasonably expect a cable to be alive when powered off, which will happen in 
> this case
> due to the time for the HV capacitors to discharge.
> There are a number of "unlikely" but probably fatal circumstances in which 
> this would
> be an issue.
> Dave _______________________________________________ Amps mailing list
> _______________________________________________ Amps mailing list 

Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA
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