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Re: [Amps] SHV connectors great, but where to find coax?

To: 'AMPS' <>,
Subject: Re: [Amps] SHV connectors great, but where to find coax?
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2010 18:46:46 +0000 (GMT)
List-post: <">>
Well, Bill ..... what I build for myself and my design philosophy here at home, 
armed as I am with (a) my belief in my own capability, (b) my attitude to risk 
to myself and (c) a sensible and proportionate evaluation of said risk given 
who will operate said equipment  is not necessarily the same as that which I 
would take where other people are involved or where I'm involved 
Anyway, who tells the truth in interviews :-) ???  

I'm not saying that I don't care about safety.  In fact now that my wife is 
sick and I have to care for her I'm a lot more risk averse than I used to be - 
so much so that I don't think I'll ever beat that best lap time around the 
Nurburgring Nordschleife track - every time I go near the red line the little 
speed limiter in my brain seems to say "who'll look after Lesley if you're dead 
in a ditch?". 
I'm not saying that I actually WOULD build HT leads using PL259s (actually I 
use specialist HT connectors as recommended by a certain Mr GM3SEK), merely 
that I don't take kindly to someone in an "authority" in his London office 
telling me that I can't.  
The powers that be have made Britain a very safe place for stupid people to 
live, but we've lost sight of that long-lost ideal called "freedom" - even if 
it is freedom to become a posthumous Darwin award.  Thankfully I drive a German 
car, so it doesn't have a little sticker on the convex door mirror saying 
"Warning, objects .... closer ... blah blah". Yet.
Dave G0OIL (still breathing...)

--- On Mon, 13/9/10, Bill, W6WRT <> wrote:

From: Bill, W6WRT <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] SHV connectors great, but where to find coax?
To: "'AMPS'" <>
Date: Monday, 13 September, 2010, 18:56


On Mon, 13 Sep 2010 16:46:28 +0000 (GMT), DAVE WHITE
<> wrote:

>  If I want to build an HT lead with a PL259 on the end of it, 
>then that's what I'll damn well do and I personally will 
>take the risk.  If I plug one end into the 6kV supply and the 
>other into my right nostril then that's my own fault and my 
>own responsibility, right?


If you apply for an engineering job somewhere, you probably should not
mention your design philosophy to the interviewer.  :-)

Bill, W6WRT
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