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[RFI] Fwd: Fwd: Contacting neighbors about RFI

To: Rfi List <rfi@contesting.com>
Subject: [RFI] Fwd: Fwd: Contacting neighbors about RFI
From: Charles Plunk <af4o@twc.com>
Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2022 22:22:47 -0600
List-post: <mailto:rfi@contesting.com>
Here is a video of the noise. I will put together a webpage of my findings when I get time. https://youtu.be/zFfRLNGkEWc <https://youtu.be/zFfRLNGkEWc>




I don't know of any neighbors that know them. I wrote a letter and will mail it tomorrow. Explained since I did not know when they were home and did not want to interrupt anything, thought I would write. Also mentioned it was probably consuming considerable electricity. Usually mentioning money out of their pockets will yield movement if nothing else will. I will post here if anything changes.

Thanks all for the suggestions.


On 1/23/22 18:24, Hare, Ed, W1RFI wrote:
If you and they have neighborhood friends in common, that can also help.

*From:* RFI <rfi-bounces+w1rfi=arrl.org@contesting.com> on behalf of Don Kirk <wd8dsb@gmail.com>
*Sent:* Sunday, January 23, 2022 7:11 PM
*To:* Charles Plunk <af4o@twc.com>
*Cc:* rfi List <rfi@contesting.com>
*Subject:* Re: [RFI] Fwd: Contacting neighbors about RFI
Hi Charles,

I tell homeowners that I need their help.  I tell them I’ve tracked down a
source of interference to radio reception that I’m pretty sure is
originating from their property and that I need their help to confirm it
is, and if it is then what device is causing the problem to see what can be
done to reduce or eliminate the problem.  If your suspicious that it’s
their light then I would tell them you think it might be their light that’s
not functioning properly (I hate guessing but in your case it might help
break the ice).  I find it normally easier just leaving a note with that
info and ask them to call me when they can, and I tell them that I’m a
neighbor, as well as my name and address so they know exactly who I am so
they know I’m not some kind of scam artist.  I give them my phone number so
they can call me.

If it’s a neighbor I already know then I just text them asking for their

Just FYI,
Don wd8dsb

On Sun, Jan 23, 2022 at 6:47 PM Charles Plunk <af4o@twc.com> wrote:

> Thanks Ken. This one has no light at all, just cycling rf noise. The
> fixture looks like the old style street light. I am guessing it has a
> screw in photo cell, so I may could unscrew the bulb and photocell. If I
> can avoid it, do not want to mess with their breakers. Im thinking maybe
> a fruit tray in hand when I ask :-). I have never met them other than a
> casual wave in the summer. Driveways are at opposite ends of each house.
> Chuck
> On 1/23/22 17:31, Ken Winterling wrote:
> > This is the same scenario with defective street lamps. They attempt to
> > restart from dusk to dawn and wipe out the spectrum from the BC band
> > through 20M and more. Sometimes it is the bulb, sometimes it is the
> > photocell.
> >
> > Since this lamp is outdoors in plain view I doubt you would run into any
> > issue if you mentioned to him that it was defective and flashing on
> > and off
> > all night.
> >
> > Ken
> > WA2LBI
> >
> >
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