> On Sep 28, 2015, at 7:51 PM, Mark n2qt <n2qt.va@gmail.com> wrote:
> But when this happened to me, I'd hover the cursor over the offending text
> and it
> didn't resolve to the correct letters, so I think it's something more than
> just a LTR/FIG
> shift issue.
What you are seeing is N1MM's incomplete implementation of the FIGS-to-LTRS
conversion. It's been this way since the dawn of time.
The top row (QWERTYUIOP) converts to the FIGS equivalent and vice versa, but
none of the other FIGS punctuation is converted in the FIGS-to-LTRS
direction...it works fine for serial numbers, but it's pretty much useless for
non-numeric stuff like names and states...unless you are in WI, WY, RI, PR, PE
(even PEI), UT, YU, PQ (but not QC).
I don't know what MMTTY converts to text for BEL, WRU, and/or the U.S. TTY
differences from ITA-2, if anything. Hopefully it (and any other demodulator
that integrates with N1MM) spits out something unique otherwise the folks in
DE, DC, NC, SC, CA, CO, CT, and SD (twice!) will be at disadvantage when things
get noisy. Now, those of you who like picking strategic names for NAQP will
have to play anagrams....but I secretly wonder if NO3M and N5KO always knew
Anyway, if you feel strongly about this you might submit a bug/enhancement
request... I'm surprised nobody has done this in all these years.
This might also be good opportunity for contest software to force USOS on
receive (which is possible through the DLL interface, I understand) since MMTTY
apparently doesn't do it by default and even many experienced RTTY ops either
don't know to enable it, or end up disabling it somehow. Meanwhile, someone
can compile MMTTY 1.69 with the USOS on by default in the "ham" setting.
There's no reason for MMTTY's default to cause more repeated exchanges in noisy
conditions, not to mention longer SO2R delays because of the extra
shifts....does that join all the post-contest threads?
Andy K0SM/2
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