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<title>Jupiter Message</title>
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<td height=3D"34" colspan=3D"2"> =
<div align=3D"center"><!-- #BeginEditable "title" --><font co=
lor=3D"#FFFF33"><b>JUPITER =
</b> </font><!-- #EndEditable --></div>
<table width=3D"617" border=3D"0" align=3D"center" cellpadding=3D"0=
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<tr bgcolor=3D"#0099CC"> =
<td><!-- #BeginEditable "main" --> =
<div align=3D"left"><b>September 25, 2000 <br>
Dear Friends: It is with great anticipation that we have aw=
aited =
the release of our new JUPITER IF-DSP HF amateur radio tran=
sceiver. =
We have had a tremendous amount of interest shown in this n=
ew radio =
since it was announced at the Dayton Hamvention=99 in May 2=
000. <br>
As many of you are aware, there has been a worldwide shorta=
ge of =
electrical components available to manufacturers stretching=
back =
more than a year. Delivery times from suppliers for quantit=
ies of =
components have increased. We have made efforts to overcome=
this =
problem and continue building at the pace our business requ=
ires =
for both our amateur radio and commercial/military lines. <=
The reality, however, is that hoping that parts will arrive=
in time =
to meet anticipated delivery dates is just that: hope. We h=
ave learned =
this week that parts crucial to building the new transceive=
r will =
not be available to us as anticipated and we have no choice=
but =
to delay the initial manufacturing date of the new rig. Our=
best =
estimate for manufacture and delivery of the Jupiter is the=
3rd =
or 4th week of November. Again, this is assuming no further=
parts =
procurement delays to begin building the new radio. <br>
We are still taking orders for the initial production run a=
t this =
time. We anticipate that before the delivery date the first=
production =
run is going to be a sell out. You can place an order on a =
major =
credit card and, as is our policy, no charge will be made t=
o your =
credit card until the day we ship the radio to you. <br>
We'll see many of you for our first hamfest here at the Ten=
-Tec =
factory in Sevierville on Saturday, October 7. We will have=
two =
operational Jupiter transceivers on site that will be in us=
e on =
the HF bands during the hamfest.<br>
Thanks for your interest in Ten-Tec and 73 from all of us. =
<!-- #EndEditable --></td>
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