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[TenTec] Jupiter Message

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] Jupiter Message
From: SEWATKINS@dgs.state.va.us (Sherrill WATKINS)
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 08:59:29 -0400
Ten Tec needs to improve the pictures of their equipment on their web site.  
The pictures are too small and hard to see.  Question:  What is the purpose of 
the large CRT(?) display on fhe front of the new Jupiter? - Watt 

>>> Carl Hyde <cshyde@yahoo.com> 09/28/00 08:46AM >>>

I placed my order yesterday!

--- Warren Bryant <kk4iz@mindspring.com> wrote:
> http://tentec.com/Jupitermsg.htm 
> --
> Click here for Free Video!!
> http://www.gohip.com/freevideo/ 
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            <div align="center"><!-- #BeginEditable
"title" --><font color="#FFFF33"><b>JUPITER 
              </b> </font><!-- #EndEditable --></div>
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          <td><!-- #BeginEditable "main" --> 
            <div align="left"><b>September 25, 2000
              Dear Friends: It is with great
anticipation that we have awaited 
              the release of our new JUPITER IF-DSP HF
amateur radio transceiver. 
              We have had a tremendous amount of
interest shown in this new radio 
              since it was announced at the Dayton
HamventionĂ– in May 2000. <br>
              As many of you are aware, there has been
a worldwide shortage of 
              electrical components available to
manufacturers stretching back 
              more than a year. Delivery times from
suppliers for quantities of 
              components have increased. We have made
efforts to overcome this 
              problem and continue building at the
pace our business requires 
              for both our amateur radio and
commercial/military lines. <br>
              The reality, however, is that hoping
that parts will arrive in time 
              to meet anticipated delivery dates is
just that: hope. We have learned 
              this week that parts crucial to building
the new transceiver will 
              not be available to us as anticipated
and we have no choice but 
              to delay the initial manufacturing date
of the new rig. Our best 
              estimate for manufacture and delivery of
the Jupiter is the 3rd 
              or 4th week of November. Again, this is
assuming no further parts 
              procurement delays to begin building the
new radio. <br>
              We are still taking orders for the
initial production run at this 
              time. We anticipate that before the
delivery date the first production 
              run is going to be a sell out. You can
place an order on a major 
              credit card and, as is our policy, no
charge will be made to your 
              credit card until the day we ship the
radio to you. <br>
              We'll see many of you for our first
hamfest here at the Ten-Tec 
              factory in Sevierville on Saturday,
October 7. We will have two 
              operational Jupiter transceivers on site
that will be in use on 
              the HF bands during the hamfest.<br>
              Thanks for your interest in Ten-Tec and
73 from all of us. </b></div>
            <!-- #EndEditable --></td>
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