The best noise blanker I've ever heard was in the Triton 544. It really works
very well . Why anyone would change a good design is a mystery.
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-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Edwards <>
To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <>
Sent: Thu, Mar 27, 2014 10:33 PM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Corsair II noise blanker
<div id="AOLMsgPart_1_7fb69f1d-2f41-44be-aa68-92af6dae3b21" style="margin:
0px;font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, Sans-Serif;font-size: 12px;color:
#000;background-color: #fff;">
<pre style="font-size: 9pt;"><tt>The only noise blanker I ever found to help
things was the one on the
Drake R4C.
On 3/27/14, 10:07 PM, Brian Carling wrote:
> Do any of these TT noise blankers do anything for you guys. Mine appears to
> do very little in my Omni VI Plus...
> Best regards - Bry Carling
>> On Mar 26, 2014, at 10:03 PM, "A R" <<a
>> href="";></a>> wrote:
>> Of my two Corsair II's, one has a NB board p/n 80977, which correspond to
>> the NB called out in the manual. The other Corsair II has a NB board p/n
>> 81401, for which I've not been able to find any documentation. TenTec has
>> been unable to find documentation for this NB, despite the fact that it
>> appears to be of production quality (not one-off lab bench quality). Does
>> anyone else have a Corsair II with the 81401 NB, or any information (schem
>> and interface interconnect) for this NB? The 81401 NB has roughly 2/3 the
>> component count of the 80977, and has no unpopulated holes or device hole
>> patterns. S/N of the Corsair II with the "rogue" NB is 561-02258.
>> Thanks,
>> Allen---W7GIF
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