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Topband: Coupling of bev to tx system

To: <>
Subject: Topband: Coupling of bev to tx system
From: (Donald Chester)
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2002 04:27:08 +0000
>From: (DF2PY)

>>I have three bevs towards USA that run
>a. 10 feet north of a phased tx array  WNW
>b. 50 ft  north of a phased tx array   NNW
>c. 100 ft south of a phased TX array   W
>The noise on the very close bev to the tx array is not more than on the 
>beverages farther away.Well, this is strictly empiric evidence...

With a series fed vertical on a base insulator, you should be able to 
disconnect the antenna, leaving the mast floating (if it is 1/4 wavelength 
or less), and compare the noise in the rx antenna.  If there is coupling, 
the noise should increase when the vertical is connected to the matching 

I have tried this with various receiving antennas and could never tell any 
difference using A/B comparison.


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