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Re: Topband: inverted L favored direction

To: <>, "Earl W Cunningham" <>
Subject: Re: Topband: inverted L favored direction
From: "Ford Peterson" <>
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2004 11:41:18 -0500
List-post: <>
Cesar wrote:

> Hi Earl,
> Many thanks for clarifying this issue. I'm about to erect an inverted L this 
> weekend following the W1BB guidances (tnx PY2FUS). The vertical portion will 
> be 59 feet and the horizontal will be 111 fet, it means 170 feet overall 
> size. The soil conductivity is nearly 15 mS/m which means average soil if 
> memory doesn't fail.
> In this situation, how will it perform? I mean max radiation angle and Z 
> point?
> Regards,
> 73 DX de PY2YP - Cesar

I have used an L for many years.  The issue about performance is really a 
question of "does it matter?"  Any antenna that deviates from a true 1/4wL 
vertical (or higher) with a substantial ground system is a compromise design.  
It looks like you have 59 feet available to you, not 130 feet.    The extra 71 
feet would require rather heroic effort and expense, whereas the added L wire 
can be attached in a couple of hours of mechanical prep and related tuning.

The L design is used by many DXpeditions and a substantial number of home 
stations.  Why?  Because they work fairly well compared to alternatives.  If it 
works in your situation, aim the pattern, which has a beamwidth > 180 degrees, 
in the general direction of the population center of interest and don't look 

Good luck, and see you on Topband!


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