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Re: Topband: How to find your Grid square for use in Stew Perrycontest

To: <>, "Henk Remijn PA5KT" <>
Subject: Re: Topband: How to find your Grid square for use in Stew Perrycontest
From: "Robin" <>
Reply-to: Robin <>
Date: Sat, 26 Dec 2009 14:08:55 -0800
List-post: <">>
If you know where you are, this little program will do the rest. its an old DOS based program, but runs just fine in a modern window ( not tested later than XP). Also can calculate distances just fine. It does use center of grid to center of grid for its distance and bearing assumptions
There are more modern versions around, but this one is so simple and small, 
its worth having.
If you dont know your Lat-Lon to get started, use Google Earth to find 
yourself, it will tell you directly

Y'all have fun, sorry I cant get on for this one - will be installing a new site for our network while you guys are sweating over grids

----- Original Message ----- From: "Herbert Schoenbohm" <>
To: "Henk Remijn PA5KT" <>
Cc: <>; "CQ-Contest" <>
Sent: Saturday, December 26, 2009 11:22
Subject: Re: Topband: How to find your Grid square for use in Stew Perrycontest

Thanks Henk,

I have used Ham Grid and found that F6FVY (Google Earth) is right and
gives me FK77QR but Ham Grid is way off for the exact same coordinates
and yields FK87HR.  So I am going with F6FVY.  BTW WinGrid by W4SM is
correct and much faster than rolling the map on Google Earth F6FVY until
you find your location.

Some ops have suggested a grid square .dat for SP contest programs. I
sure would reduce the busted QSO's but would also IMHO ruin the spirit
of the Stew.  Some, so I am told, have already converted N1MM Call sign
check files to Grid Squares but have them for their own use but playing
their trump cards close to their chest when they need it.  Sometimes for
a long distance contact have spent 20 minutes trying to dig out the
correct GS exchange. And in cases of some SA stations they don't have
the foggiest of what I am talking about when I asked them over and over
and over for their GS or Grid ??? They respond with a RST and their CQ Zone.
Thanks again for the suggestion.

Herb Schoenbohm, KV4FZ

Henk Remijn PA5KT wrote:
For those who dont know their gridsquare:

Try this website:
Zoom in to your location and click on it, it will display a pop up with the locator.
See you in the contest.

73 Henk PA5KT

"160-meters is a band for men, not for sissies!" - SM5EDX
"160-meters is a band for men, not for sissies!" - SM5EDX
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