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Re: Topband: Not so good in the contest last night

To: Tod Olson <>
Subject: Re: Topband: Not so good in the contest last night
Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2014 15:12:10 -0500 (EST)
List-post: <">>
Tod I think you hit my real problem yesterday. All the states that I was hoping to contact out west were doing S&P just like me. :-)
Maybe I should try and sit still and just run one frq for once in my 

-.- -.. ---.. –. –. ..-

On Sat, Feb 22, 2014 at 2:31 PM, Tod Olson wrote:

I may have worked only 10 S&P last night. When it is a struggle to work
WY,UT,MT and WA from ID you know something is not right.

I did manage one NY, IN, OH, IA, and ND but could not even hear the ID
station that worked the MT station just before me.

I complement the NY station [ note I am not using calls because the entry period is not over ] who worked hard to get me into his log. I was copying
him better than he was copying me.

Like Herb, I tried diligently to work W8RA with no success. He may have had some noise problems because the WX from mid-US to the East Coast was
very unsettled with lots of lightning I think.

Tod, K0TO

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