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Re: Topband: "Thinking out loud"

Subject: Re: Topband: "Thinking out loud"
From: Bill Cromwell <>
Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2016 19:27:46 -0500
List-post: <">>

I wonder if you could cover the whole band or just the part that interest *you*. I have a radio now that uses an xtal filter with about a 7 kHz bandwidth on the 20 meter band. Probably those filters can be made wider with perhaps less filtering action - tradeoffs ya know. The idea isn't new and it works!
Merry Christmas and...


Bill  KU8H

On 12/22/2016 05:56 PM, K1FZ-Bruce wrote:
Thanks Mirko and Matt,

This is not on the market yet, but should do a lot for noise on 160 meters.
Bet a tube transmitter had  naysayers. Need  a spark to transmit. hi.

On Thu, 22 Dec 2016 16:18:56 -0600, Matt Murphy  wrote:

This appears to be the 4O3A unit. I hadn't realized these existed, so I'm
glad you posted the question:
On Thu, Dec 22, 2016 at 3:47 PM, K1FZ-Bruce  wrote:

Thanks Mirko,

Very Good information. What is needed is to reduce noise more (lower)
than signals. 73

On Thu, 22 Dec 2016 22:36:30 +0100, S57AD wrote:

As far as I recall, Inrad sells front-end xtal filters. Some 25
years ago
when I lived in Belgrade, at YU1EXY we had two six-pole filters for SSB
part of 40M band but I can't recall and difference with or without those
filters. Beside those two xtal filters we used 8 pole Cohn LC filter with 4-gang variable capacitor and with very step curve (I think it was 600 or
800 Hz at -6 dB), which drastically reduced noise and QRM. We could hear
3rd or even 4th layer of callers in 40m pile-ups.
As for xtal front end filters, I think 4O3A produces such a filters to be
used at in-band stations, but didn't have chance to try & use them...
73, Mirko, S57AD

2016-12-22 21:57 GMT+01:00 K1FZ-Bruce :

> Tim,
> My single crystal was in the 1950's. > A crystal lattice could take in much of the 160 meter band and be
> pratical. > Thanks for your input. > 73
> Bruce
> On Thu, 22 Dec 2016 15:49:12 -0500, Tim Shoppa wrote:
> Bruce - It has long been rumored that the big EU multi-multis have
> a crystal filter at their run frequency receivers. e.g. if they are
> on 7003.4, they have a crystal filter in front of their receiver for
> 7003.4. have never observed that in my visits but maybe in decades past, > when receivers had less damage range, it would've made sense. Also a good
> reason to put up a fight for ownership of YOUR run frequency HI HI
> I believe EMRFD has a schematic for a single-frequency receiver, maybe
> not exactly like you described but similar in principle. Let me see if I
> can dig it up. > Tim N3QE
> On Thu, Dec 22, 2016 at 3:41 PM, K1FZ-Bruce wrote:
> We know that limiting the noise pick up from more directions of an
> we can usually hear better. We also know if we limit the noise from a
> receiver IF we can hear less noise, and better yet, if we
> have a roofing filter earlier in the receiver we can eliminate even more > noise in relationship to the wanted signals. > What if we take it a step further, could we limit the band-with of the > antenna signal with a crystal lattice for 160 meters before the receiver. > Years ago I played around with a single crystal at the input of an old
> tube type receiver. It was remarkable what I could hear on 40 meters,
> on what seemed to be one frequency. > 73
> Bruce-k1fz
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