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Re: Topband: VP6D

Subject: Re: Topband: VP6D
From: Jeff Blaine <>
Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2018 21:03:10 -0500
List-post: <>
He was easy to work on 160m.  Excellent OP.

But I've worked him now twice on 80m but the Q has not showed up either time.  Not sure if there is an 80m log problem, an eager SLIM or just a couple of busted calls despite clear copy of my call both times on the reply.  If it's a slim, they were definitely south of my QTH in KS based on the 8-circle bearing.

On 25-Oct-18 4:39 PM, Guy Olinger K2AV wrote:
Went looking for them after finishing the 0300Z CWT on 160m. He was
down the band some from where the CWT mob had been. I had seen
somewhere that they were working up 2. Called him once up about 2 and
worked him about 0410Z. Listened for a while. He was working a mix of
EU and USA.

Clearly a fine operator and seemed to be hearing very well on 160.

You can work this guy. Go get him.

By the way, during the last 15 minutes of the CWT, on 160, found
myself being QRM'd by a UW6, who wasn't hearing or calling me, who was
louder than some of the midwest USA stations, who at the time were
bedeviled by long deep QSB. I had to QSY to get away from him so I
could hear weak stations calling me.

This is going to be a very interesting 160m season.

73, Guy.
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