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Re: Topband: New Modes, Systems, etc

Subject: Re: Topband: New Modes, Systems, etc
From: W0MU Mike Fatchett <>
Date: Sat, 11 Jan 2020 10:35:53 -0700
List-post: <>
Just proving my point Peter.

You can't stop bashing people.  You are what is wrong with the hobby.

Good day.

On 1/11/2020 10:27 AM, Peter Sundberg wrote:
Skills involved?? Achievements?? You've got to be kidding Mike...

Achievements in the WW Digi Contest were so dramatically poor that the contest committee had to waive the NIL penalty because otherwise a large number of final scores would have been negative!
"The amount of NILs is abnormally high" - the committees own words in 
their article.
Does it sound attractive to bring such contest behavior Top Band?

Of course not.

Peter SM2CEW

At 17:12 2020-01-11, W0MU Mike Fatchett wrote:

  There is skill involved.  There is a bunch of excitement and achievement.

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