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Re: Topband: (no subject)

To: <>
Subject: Re: Topband: (no subject)
Date: Fri, 27 Mar 2020 11:08:20 -0400
List-post: <>
During the past week I have been surprised by the good propagation between FL and EU. I have a noisy home QTH and do not have an RX antenna now (rebuilding it). The noise on the TX antenna here is S8. Many EU stations were well over that and the QSO-s were easy and pleasant. Very rare from here. I was running only 600 W but every EU station I called came back on the first call. TX antenna is just a 55' tall inverted L. (The ground is good though: salt-water.) Still...
Good CONDX on TB! Take advantage of them while they last.

73 and CU,

On Fri, 27 Mar 2020 14:23:18 +0000
 David Olean <> wrote:
Hello Andy,

I was on for a very short time. I worked a few EU stations with incredible 
signals, 599 with preamp off, on my K3 S-meter. Then the noise built up and 
static crashes became long and loud. The 6Y5 called me forever and I could not 
get his call even though I could tell he was loud. The QRN just covered him up 
so all I got were parts of letters! I turned the rig off when I saw the huge 
line of storms just to my south.  I had every intention of making a night of 
it, but the weather (and lightning) got in the way!

I looked at ur QTH on, and saw the farm field used for RX antennas. 
UFB!  You have fantastic hearing on 160.


Dave  K1WHS

On 3/27/2020 5:49 AM, Andree DL8LAS via Topband wrote:
hey topbanders,

condx were not bad this morning in EU, worked some NA and a new DXCC 6Y5.
Band was very quiet, but not much activity. 160m season is not finished.

73 Andy DL8LAS <> _________________
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