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[TowerTalk] 4 square or yagi ??

To: <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] 4 square or yagi ??
From: (Larry Lindblom)
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 1997 18:34:00 -0500
Steve Narducci wrote:

> Has anyone really done some comparisons from using a 4 square system to a
> shortened
> 2 element yagi up about 100 ft ?
> I have a 4 square and have been thinking about mounting 2 element up in the
> air.
> I do admit, the 4 square is much easier to work on being on ground.
> Thanks.....Steve

On 40 I have a 2 el M2 beam (linear loaded) at 125 ft up.  On another tower I
have a 4 square phased array of 40 Mtr sloping dipoles-top of the dipoles is at
about 80 ft.  Most of the time 4 square hears better and gets beter reports
than the beam.

An 80 meter 4 quare hangs off of the tower a few feet below the beam and maybe
that hurts performance of the beam.  On those rare times when the beam is
better it is typically state side stuff at best.  Also, 4 square changes
directions during a contest much quicker than the beam can.  So from my
experience the 4 Square is better than a 2 el short 40.  But, based on my time
at another station nothing can beat a 3 el full size 40 at 160 or so feet up.

73 from IA
Larry L. W0ETC

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