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[TowerTalk] Antenna vis Power

To: <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] Antenna vis Power
From: (Stan Griffiths)
Date: Sun, 03 Jan 1999 19:52:14 -0800

Ted Leaf wrote:

> Remember guys:  You can't receive better with an amp.
> A good antenna works both ways.
> 73, Aloha
> Ted Leaf, K6HI

Well, actually, I can . . .  If you increase your transmitting signal by
10 dB on any given frequency, you would be amazed at how much QRM seems
to disappear from that frequency . . .  For me, anyway, my amp DOES
improve my reception . . .

Another few points seem to be conveniently overlooked in the K2UVG

1.  An amp will generally give you gain on LOTS of bands and an antenna
on only one or maybe up to 5 bands.  (With an antenna, generally the more
bands, the less gain per band . . .  and more money for the antenna)

2.  The cost of the tower and rotator was left out and is generally more
money than the antenna itself.  If you really hope to get 10 dB from
antennas on several bands, you will need several towers and several
rotators . . .

3.  You can actually HOMEBREW a nice linear amp for a few bucks per
watt.  I saw FOUR  homebrew one kw linear amps hooked to a common power
supply at an estate sale two weeks ago priced at $200 for the whole works
and nobody bought it . . .  I am sure you could have gotten it all for
$100.  My first homebrew kw (pair of 813s) was 10 cents per watt,
including power supply.

4.  You can homebrew anennas too, but generally not tribanders, unless
they are interlaced quads.  Have you priced aluminum tubing lately . . .

5.  If you add an amp to your station, you generally do not have to get a
building permit (or be denied getting one) or go through the hassles
involved with neighbors who hate your tower.

6.  I know of no local zoning ordinances against  amplifiers.

7.  Yes, the cost of wiring in 220 mains was not included, but you can do
that yourself, can't you?  If you can't, what are you doing in this hobby
anyway?  (Serious handicaps are the exeption, of course.)

I realize this is the "politically incorrect" position to take on this
subject but I could not resist.


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