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[CQ-Contest] RE: [TowerTalk] 22VAC to 2 110VAC circuits

To: <>
Subject: [CQ-Contest] RE: [TowerTalk] 22VAC to 2 110VAC circuits
From: Guy Olinger, K2AV" < (Guy Olinger, K2AV)
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 02:44:19 -0500
-----Original Message-----
From: Edward W. Sleight <>
To: Tony Kazmakites <>
To: <>
Date: Tuesday, March 23, 1999 12:15 AM
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] RE: [TowerTalk] 22VAC to 2 110VAC circuits

>Just took a look at your note.
>You NEVER NEVER use the black wire as a hot. That is opposite from all
>other circuits.

Really???  Go read the NEC code book or any current Electrical textbook
before you kill yourself or get someone else killed.

In a 12-2 w/g there will be either a bare or green covered wire which is the
safety ground, a white covered wire which is the neutral, which leaves the
black which is the hot wire in the USA. The post which you replied to is by
the book.

If you've been fixing up your house or your hamshack using the white wire as
a hot wire for 110v circuits, you'd best get a qualified electrician to
straighten out the place before someone gets electrocuted.

>And you NEVER switch the ground. As far as the breaker goes, any 220V
>breaker will work as 2 120s.

73, Guy.

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